At the first age-related changes, many resort to emergency measures - injections, lasers, threads, plastic surgery, without thinking about their negative effects or the real causes of aging.
We often think that aging is manifested in the form of wrinkles and sagging skin. This is not so: wrinkles are just a consequence. Under the skin of the face and neck there are dozens of muscles that contract, spasm, and shift due to nervous tension, negative emotions, an improper lifestyle, and suppressed experiences. The result is not only wrinkles, but also oval deformation, swelling, sagging cheeks, and double chins, stoop. This is a scientifically proven fact.
But many women still resort to aggressive cosmetology in the hope of smoothing the skin. Injections, threads, laser, thermage, fillers, radiolifting, surgeon's scalpel ... Answer: do they look younger after all these procedures? Unfortunately, no: they did not return their 25 or 30. The face seems to be smoothed out, but age is still obvious. But the facial expressions and individual features disappeared, the face became strained and lifeless. Aggressive procedures lead to chronic inflammation of facial tissues, asymmetry, edema and fibrosis, exacerbating aging after the short-term “cosmetic” effect disappears.
Anastasia Dubinskaya is the founder and head of the Revitonika school. Psychophysiologist, neuropsychologist. Researcher at the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Sports and Reconstructive Medicine at the Moscow Department of Health. One of the leading practicing experts in natural rejuvenation and anti-aging face and neck massage
"Revitonica" in the fight against the true causes of aging
If you decide to take care of your beauty seriously, for a long time and environmentally friendly, you need to fight not with wrinkles, but to improve posture, restore the anatomical shape and natural tone of the muscles of the face, overcome the imbalance of the muscles of the neck, restore young parameters of the lower jaw, eliminate swelling, Miracle - As a result of this work, wrinkles are smoothed.
That is what - the fight against the true causes of facial aging - is engaged in "Revitonica". This is the only scientifically tested method of natural rejuvenation, whose effectiveness has been confirmed by scientists and doctors. The Revitonika method is a set of techniques and exercises for starting rejuvenation and restoring impaired body functions: leveling the balance of the front and back surfaces of the body, establishing lymphatic drainage, lifting the face, restoring the capillary network and reducing swelling of the head tissue.
The absence of chemical and surgical interventions and related injuries distinguishes “Revitonika” from cosmetology and plastic surgery. So, according to studies, Revitonica is a complete, proven and safe alternative to botulinum toxin injections. The method does not affect the effects of age-related changes, but their cause, restoring natural youth to the face and neck, keeping the face mobile and vibrant, with unique individual features and improving not only the aesthetics of your appearance, but also your overall health. One set of exercises can return youth to several zones at once, which is unattainable for plastic surgery. The method is effective where surgery is powerless: restoring the shape of the chin, face proportions, young parameters of the jaw, lengthening the neck. View the results of classes on the site
Anatomical base "Revitoniki"
Unlike any other gymnastics for the face, Revitonika relies on knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of aging. The method takes into account the differences between the types of skeletal and facial muscles and suggests working with them in different ways. We are against exercises aimed at forcefully pumping up the muscles of the face and neck, as this has nothing to do with rejuvenation.
Each "age" problem has a cause in the form of a complex violation. And the answers to the questions: "Why did wrinkles on the forehead form?" "Why did the nasolabial folds appear?" "Why did the eyebrows go down, did the clear contours of the oval of the face get lost?" They do not lie in the plane of cosmetology that works with the skin of the face, but in the state of the musculoskeletal system, direct communication of the face and posture, impaired functioning of the lymphatic system. For example, the culprit in the formation of double chins and swelling of the face is most often a spasm (hypertonicity) of the occipital muscle group, which disrupts the outflow of fluid and leads to its accumulation in the tissues.
Aligning the posture, forming the correct neck statics, restoring the anatomical shape, length and tone of the muscles, establishing blood and lymph flow, we give a new stimulus to the self-regulation mechanisms of the body, and thus get rid of many "age-related" defects. Long-term practice demonstrates that those involved in the Revitonika system show a bright improvement in the statics of the spine, a decrease in hyperlordosis and kyphosis, torsion and other problems of the musculoskeletal system, and as a result, restoration of the balance of the muscles of the face, the restoration of its natural features and proportions. The result is a rejuvenated, relaxed face, correct posture and shining eyes.
How does Revitonika work?
Reception "V-lifting" from the course Lifting-PRO.
Reception returns mobility and plasticity to the tissues in the parotid region, provides face lifting, clarity and sculpturality of its oval, eliminates vertical, age-related folds in front of the ear.
Reception "Work with fibrosis under the jaw line" from the course of Lifting-PRO.
Reception forms a clear, young oval of the face, a turned corner of the jaw (youth angle), eliminates a double chin, provides an outflow of lymphatic fluid, which helps to get rid of swelling of the face, chin and neck.
Reception "Neuro-muscle relaxation of the masticatory muscles" from the course of Lifting-PRO.
The reception is designed to relieve deep cramps from the chewing muscles, which are the skeleton of our face. It is spasmodic masticatory muscles that are one of the main provocateurs of the appearance of age-related deformations of the face, such as bruises, a floating oval, nasolabial folds, and even swelling under the eyes. The result of this technique will be the restoration of facial contours, the elimination of puffiness, deep stress relief, returning to the face a young volume and proportions, eliminating wrinkles and wrinkles on the face, including in the nasolabial area.
Reception from the Morning complex of Revitoniki.
Admission affects the extensor muscles of the neck, promotes autotraction - self-extension of the muscles of the back of the neck. The muscle spasm of this zone provokes the appearance of a second chin, wrinkles and folds in the forehead, deformation of the oval of the face, the appearance of a “withers”. The regular implementation of this technique relaxes the muscles of the back of the neck, lengthens it, helps to cope with hyperlordosis of the cervical spine, and to solve many aesthetic problems.
How to learn "Revitonics"
More than 50 thousand women from all over the world have already mastered Revitonika and regularly practice it. To date, the method is available for study in the form of three video courses, an online marathon "Youth. Reboot" and a library of more than 40 webinars on various problem areas. We recommend starting the development of the method with a basic course or marathon.
The basic video course "5 weeks of youth and beauty" lays the foundation for starting the rejuvenation process. Attention is paid to correcting posture, persistent face lifting, eliminating edema, improving skin quality.For a deeper study of the face and consolidation of the result, the "Lifting-PRO" course is designed, developed on a unique technique for restoring not only superficial, but also deep facial tissues. A specialized eye course "Youth and Radiance" is recommended for targeted restoration of the orbital region. You can read more about the video courses of "Revitoniki" here.
The real pearl of “Revitonika” is the “Youth. Reloaded” marathon, in which 4 experts share invaluable exercises and knowledge: a nutritionist, fitness trainer, female psychologist and an expert in the field of rejuvenation, the founder of “Revitonika” Anastasia Dubinskaya. Real and long-term rejuvenation is impossible without proper nutrition, physical activity and internal emotional balance. An integrated approach allows you to "pump" the most important areas of life and completely change your life. Read the details on the website. youth.rf
In-depth theoretical knowledge, the intricacies of the technique of performing techniques, targeted work with specific problem areas: all these are webinars. From one and a half to 2 hours of valuable information from our experts in each ofwebinars, which are available both in packages and individually.