
Healing plants in the country


Viburnum has always been widely used in folk medicine - in the form of infusions, decoctions, juice, and fresh berries. Here are some recipes from the people's piggy bank.

Infusion or decoction viburnum is drunk for colds, it is also useful for shortness of breath, sclerosis, metabolic disorders, furunculosis and carbunculosis, eczema and pustular skin lesions, as well as many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in the latter case, it is better to consult a doctor).

□ Warm decoction of berries of viburnum with honey especially useful for colds and coughs. They can gargle with angina, in addition, they are washed with wounds and ulcers on the skin. With bronchitis, it is better to insist the fruit for 6 hours on hot honey in a thermos.

Fresh fruits recommended for gastritis with low acidity of the stomach, they have a laxative effect and sometimes help with headaches.

Viburnum juice with honey taken for the prevention of cancer, with hypertension, but it is especially useful for colds, especially for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with hoarseness and cough.

□ The juice of viburnum and the infusion of its fruits are used andin cosmetics - they wash their face, after which the skin becomes velvety, clean and fresh.

Photo: PR.

Material prepared by Elena Karpova


Watch the video: EatTheWeeds; Episode 134: Neighborhood Foraging (December 2024).