
November flash mob: "We are one whole!"


Dear needlewomen! The November flashmob on starts on November 4th. You still have time to join and share your work.

This autumn flash mob, also initiated and organized by users on our forum, invites everyone to participate.

Share with us your fall-winter new things on our photo forum!

The theme of the November flash mob: "We are one whole!"

The terms of participation:

✽ To participate, you must sew any product that fits into your autumn-winter wardrobe.

✽ In the description of the exhibited work, write not only about the sewing process and the selected pattern, but also about your wishes to your favorite site so that we are heard and helped to make our communication more convenient and productive!

✽ Who does not have the appropriate new clothes or the opportunity to participate in the flash mob, support other participants with kind comments and hearts!

✽ The launch date of the flash mob is November 4, 2019, Monday.

At 10.00 Moscow time, publish your work on the site's photo forum.

If at the indicated time you cannot publish your work, you can do it a little earlier or later than "hour X".

✽ Topic and title of the post: "We are a single whole! (And be sure your nickname)."
✽ The first photo in the publication, preferably if it is performed against the background your fall.

Our site brings together needlewomen from all over the world, far and near, with their own climate, which means that all of us have different autumn.
✽ in the description indicate the hashtag:

# We_united_integer; # november_flashmob_2019

All read the details on the site forum.

Ask questions for participation in the comments.

Photo: pixabay


Watch the video: We Are One Ole Ola - 2014 FIFA World Cup FLASH MOB (September 2024).