
How to make a kite do-it-yourself: 4 workshops


Making a kite easier than it sounds! We have collected several workshops on the manufacture of flying kites, which are easy to do with your own hands.


1. DIY kite from paper: a master class

This is the basic model of a snake called Daimond, or "Diamond" - so named because of its shape. For beginners, this is what you need: it’s easy to do it yourself and it flies well.

You will need:

- thin strong paper (corrugated, for example, or tissue);

- non-thick wooden sticks (2 pcs, length - depending on the size of the snake, for example 50 cm and 60 cm);

- a hacksaw or a small saw with small teeth;

- twine or a thick strong thread (length - from 10 to 30 meters, depends on how high you want to fly the snake); something like a popsicle stick or toilet paper sleeve for a pen;

- paper scissors;

- pencil and ruler;

- narrow adhesive tape;

- You may also need paper glue and a small ring, metal or plastic.

Step 1

If necessary, cut the sticks to the desired size. One should be approximately 1 / 5−1 / 6 shorter than the second. Make cuts at all ends of the sticks, as in the photo.

Step 2

Fold the sticks with a cross and tie them well with thread, reinforcing with tape on top.

Step 3

Pull the thread, tucking it into the cuts and tie.

Step 4

If the paper is plain, you can color it. Or use the finished color, or just a newspaper.

Step 5

Put a cross on the paper and cut off the future sail of the kite, leaving “allowances” of 3-4 cm.

Step 6

Bend the stocks and glue with glue or tape.

Corners are best reinforced.

Step 7

In the upper and lower corners of the snake, make holes and tie the thread, connecting with a ring, as shown in the photo. To this ring will then be tied a thread on which the serpent will be held.

Step 8

Tie another short piece of string (for example, a meter long) to the bottom corner of the snake. This will be the tail of the snake: it can be decorated with paper or ribbons.

Step 9

It remains to rewind the desired length of thread for the snake, fasten one end to the handle, the other to tie to the ring on the thread on the snake. Done.

Photo and source:,,

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2. Paper kite without the use of sticks: a master class

This snake is made very simply, without a ruler and scissors, even sticks are not needed. In this case, the kite has stiffening ribs: paper folds play their role. The technique of making the snake itself resembles origami. You can take a sheet of regular A4 office paper or a larger sheet.

You will need:

- paper;

- hole puncher;

- narrow tape;

- thin twine or thick rope;

- a wand or something similar for the handle of a snake.

Step 1

Fold the sheet in half, aligning the corners exactly.

Bend the sheet slightly on the sides, outlining the middle.

Wrap the edges of the sheet to the marks, bend and smooth the folds.

Open one bent edge as shown in the photo.

Fold and smooth. Repeat on the other side.

Fold the workpiece in half and align the corners.

Bend the upper corners down and diagonally, as shown in the photo.

Tear off the bent corners.

Step 2

Punch holes as shown in the photo.

Cut a piece of thread at least 2 times longer than the long side of your sheet. Tie the ends of the thread to the holes and secure on top with tape.

In the middle, make a loop, and tie a long thread for the snake to it (at least 10 meters). Tie the other end of the long thread to the stick, which will be the handle.

Photo and source:

DIY felt toys: 6 ideas with master classes

3. Kite from a plastic bag: a master class

The snake from the bag turns out to be lightweight, durable and not afraid of water.

You will need:

- a large thin plastic bag;

- wooden thin sticks (thin wooden skewers for kebabs are suitable, the main thing is to take quite long ones);

- a popsicle stick or something similar for a snake handle;

- thin twine or thick strong thread;

- pen, ruler and scissors;

- transparent narrow tape.

Step 1

Take 2 sticks and shorten one of them a little. Fold the sticks crosswise, as shown in the photo, and wrap the place where they intersect with tape in different directions. Cut the bag and spread it on the work surface. Put a cross of sticks on top. With a pen on the bag, place marks at each of the four ends of the sticks. Take away the cross.

Step 2

On the ruler, connect the set marks and cut out the resulting figure. Put the cross from the sticks on it again and align the ends of the sticks with the corners. Use sticky tape to attach the sticks to the figure from the bag.

Step 3

On the sides of the place where the sticks cross, pierce 2 holes in the bag. Pull the end of the twine through them and tie it in several knots, tying a cross of sticks and a bag. This place can be further strengthened with tape for strength.

Step 4

Cut the attached end of the twine 10−20 cm from the knot (depending on the size of your snake). Unwind a long rope for a snake: its length can be from 10 to 30 meters. Tie one end of the rope tightly to the stick, which will be the handle. On the same stick wrap the main length of the rope. Tie its free end to the bottom of a long snake stick (see photo). Now tie a short piece of rope to a long rope, which we tied in the previous step at the intersection of sticks.

It remains to cut from the remnants of the package of strips, make a tail and stick to the snake.

Photo and source:

But the same snake, but larger, and not on a rope, but on a fishing line. It’s better to take the sticks more tightly, and instead of using a bag, use a cellophane film. The manufacturing technology is the same.


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4. Mini kites from paper: a master class

Such kites can be made with your own hands in just a few minutes.

You will need:

- paper (A4 format is suitable);

- long paper straws - 2 for each snake;

- thin twine or thick thread;

- trimming ribbons;

- glue for paper (preferably glue stick + glue like PVA in a tube with a nose);

- paper scissors;

- a pencil;

- ruler.

Step 1

Cut A4 sheet in half across. Lubricate the back side of one half with glue (preferably with an adhesive pencil) and glue the second side to the wrong side. Draw a snake shape on paper and cut it out.

Trim one of the straws so that it is the length of the transverse size of the snake and cut in half. Tie a thread to the whole straw in the middle and drip the glue to fix it. Unwind a meter and a half or two threads and cut. Tie the other end of the thread to the straw trimmer and also secure with glue.

Step 2

On one side of the future snake with glue from the tube nose, draw strips with a cross, as shown in the photo. Glue the straws crosswise as shown in the photo. Wait for the glue to dry. You can decorate the thread with scraps of ribbons. Done.

Photo and source:
