
How to sew a sofa cover: 3 workshops


Even for a sofa of the most complex shape, you can sew a cover with your own hands! In our selection there are workshops on sewing covers for sofas of a simple and complex shape, plus - on sewing covers for removable pillows.

It is impossible to build a pattern suitable for sewing a cover on any sofa - so great is the variety of models of upholstered furniture. Therefore, in each case, you will need to build on the parameters of your particular sofa. If you once bought a sofa with a removable cover that you want to replace, stitching a new cover will be easier. You will need to tear the old case into parts and use them as templates. If there is no such cover, you can use the method of tattoos. Below are 2 workshops showing how to sew covers on sofas of simple and complex shapes, and a master class on how to sew new covers on removable sofa cushions.

How to sew a cover on a simple sofa: a master class with video

If your sofa is of a simple form, it will be easy to sew a cover on it, and the process will not take much time.

You will need:

- fabric for cover;

- tailor pins;

- threads and needle for basting;

- scissors;

- sewing machine and thread.

Work sequence:

1. Throw the fabric on the sofa face down, smooth it and pin it with pins in the places of future seams, as shown in the photo. In the corners you need to make incisions.

2. Lay the basting without removing the fabric from the sofa, and trim the excess fabric, leaving seam allowances. Well, unscrew the cover and try it on the sofa again.

3. Stitch the machine and trim the edges.

4. Add a “skirt” to the bottom (you can make it with or without pleats).

More details in the video:

Photo and source: YouTube / Utilitarian needlework

How to upgrade an old chair: 3 workshops and 25 ideas

How to sew a cover on a sofa of complex shape: a step-by-step master class

The essence of sewing a cover for a sofa of complex shape is the same as in the case of a simple sofa. However, there will be more details on the cover and you will have to spend some time gently pricking the fabric on the sofa, and then stitching the details.

You will need:

- fabric for cover;

- tailor pins;

- scissors;

- sewing machine and thread;

- a cord for finishing edging.

Work sequence:

1. If the sofa has pillows, remove them. Throw the fabric face down on the sofa. Smooth the fabric on the couch, determining where the end or beginning of a particular part will be. Unnecessary pieces of fabric can be immediately cut, not forgetting the seam allowances. Leave them wider - then you can cut off the excess.

2. Where necessary, make notches for a better fit. Tucks fix with pins.

3. You can sew up tucks right away, just chipping each one, and then forming the next / next seam.

4. Parts for the armrests are formed according to the same principle. Leave the finished parts of the cover on the sofa, throw the fabric inside out on the armrest. Spread the fabric, chip it with the finished part of the cover, cut off the excess.

5. This forms parts of the cover for convex armrests.

6. Chipped part of the armrest with the main part of the cover, complete the seams.

7. Prepare the finishing piping. To do this, cut out the strips and sew them obliquely, as the oblique trim is sewn.

8. Fold the edging detail in half lengthwise, put the cord inside and lay the line along the entire length, as shown in the photo.

9. Gags the fabric to the front of the armrest, cut out the corresponding part of the cover.

10. Insert a piping between the parts of the case and pin it with pins.

11. Complete the seams with the piping.

12. If your sofa has symmetrical armrests, follow the same procedure for the cover for the second armrest. If the sofa is integral, angular, as in this case, form the second side of the cover as shown below.

13. Now you need to add a "skirt" to the bottom. Determine the level at which you will sew the “skirt”, and pin the piping to the cover at this level (the hem of the piping - below) around the entire perimeter of the cover.

14. Remove the cover and stitch the piping.

15. On this model of a cover the "skirt" is arranged as follows:

16. To cut out the details of the "skirt", measure the distance from the sewn edging to the floor level. This skirt length will be the same for all details. The details of the “skirt” will need 12: 4, the width equal to half the long side of the sofa cover, 2 equal in width to the side of the sofa cover, and 6 identical parts of small width - they will be sewn from below at the junction of the details of the “skirt”. Cut 12 parts, add seam allowances and machining. Work all parts on all sides except the top.

17. Put the cover on the sofa with the seams inside and pin the details of the “skirt” around the entire perimeter, as shown in the photo. Then stitch all the details in one seam.

18. Now you need to remove the cover, unscrew, trim all the allowances for the seams and process them with a "zigzag". Done! Read how to update the covers on the pillows of such a sofa in the master class below.

Photo and source:

How to quickly sew a chair cover

How to sew new covers for removable sofa cushions: a master class

This workshop is about how to stitch new zipper covers for removable sofa cushions.

You will need:

- the cloth;

- a cord for the finishing edging;

- scissors;

- sewing machine and thread;

- zippers of the required length (measure the length of the zippers on existing covers);

- tailor pins;

- marker or pencil for fabric.

Work sequence:

1. Remove the old pillow covers. After laying the pillow on the fabric, carve out 2 main parts for each pillow.

2. Strip parts are also needed for the sides of the pillow covers. Measure the pillow around the perimeter and subtract the length of your zipper for the cover from the resulting measurement. Cut out the details of the sides of the cover with a width equal to the height of the pillow and a length equal to the perimeter of the pillow minus the length of the zipper. Do not forget the seam allowances. For a section of the sides with zippers, 2 strips will be needed (between them a zipper will be sewn).

3. Sew zippers between narrow stripes as shown in the photo.

4. Chip off the parts of the side parts of the cover with zippers with parts without zippers and sew as shown in the photo.

5. Sew the edging with the cord (for how to do this, see paragraphs 7-8 of the previous master class).

6. On the perimeter of each of the main parts of the pillows pin on the front side of the piping and stitch as shown in the photo. The middle of the edge should be directed to the center of the pillow parts.

7. Chip off the main parts of the pillow covers and side parts face to face, as shown in the photo.

8. Sew the main and side parts.

9. Done!

Photo and source:


Watch the video: Sofa bed slipcover using easy pattern method. (January 2025).