
How to update a stretched neckline on a T-shirt: 2 workshops


There are many ways to repair a stretched neckline on a T-shirt. We chose two: very simple, for beginners, and more complicated, for needlewomen with experience (and overlock).

The sewn-in neckline on knitted T-shirts tends to stretch, giving things a not-so-neat look, even when the fabric of the t-shirt itself still looks quite decent. On the one hand, slight negligence is now in fashion - the neck can be left stretched. But if you want to change the situation, you can use one of the ways to repair the neck. To your attention - two master classes, simple and complex. The result in each case is slightly different, but the goal will be achieved one way or another: the neck of the T-shirt will regain its neat appearance.


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How to fix the stretched neck of a T-shirt: workshop 1

You will need:

- pins;

- a thread in the color of T-shirts and a hand needle for sewing knitwear (with a blunt end) or a sewing machine.

Work sequence:

1. Turn the t-shirt inside out.


2. Wrap the edge of the neck on the inside of the T-shirt and pin it with pins, as shown in the photo.


3. Now you need to sew the finish. You can sew it on a sewing machine - however, keep in mind that the line should be elastic. Use our tips on how to sew knitwear on a machine. //

Photo: Julia Dekanova

Another option is to sew the neck by hand, sewing the needle back. It runs like this:


The stitches should be made small, the same in length and try to sew as evenly as possible. Try to lay the seam exactly along the connection line from the front of the T-shirt and trim, then it will not be noticeable.

You can also sew the finish manually with a blind seam from the inside.

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How to fix the stretched neck of a t-shirt: workshop 2


In this case, the neck will have to be torn off and sewn again.

You will need:

- a sprayer or scissors for opening;

- tailor's scissors;

- pins;

- iron;

- needle and thread for basting;

- overlock, sewing machine and thread in the color of t-shirts.

Work sequence:

1. Unbolt the trim from the t-shirt. At 1.5−2 cm, also spread one of the shoulder seams. Read how to quickly and accurately tear such seams here. Iron the top of the shirt.

2. Cut the seam from the trim strip. Expand and iron the bar, slightly stretching.

3. Process one of the long edges of the bar on the overlock. If there is no overlock, use our sewing machine knitwear advice.

4. Fold the plank face-to-face with a T-shirt and bast so that the raw edge of the plank and the neckline match. Cut off the excess fabric of the strap.

5. Stitch the bar, remove the basting.

6. Turn the sewn-in strap inside out and catch it.

7. Stitch the bar on the machine and sew alongside at a distance of 0.5 cm.

8. Sew and process the open portion of the shoulder seam. Remove the mark. Done.

Visually - in the video:

How to make a women's t-shirt from a man: a master class
