
Desserts for the holiday: a sweet temptation


End the feast with dessert - the final chord of the festive symphony of tastes! Guests are always looking forward to this moment!

Cooking time: 35 min


For pancakes: • 350 g of flour • 500 ml of milk • 3 eggs • 2-3 table. tablespoons of sugar • ¼ tea. tablespoons of salt • 1 pinch of soda • 2-3 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For the filling: • 750 g canned cherries or cherries • 100 g granulated sugar • 5 g cinnamon • 60 g ground white crackers

1. Sift flour into the pan, add salt, sugar and soda. Constantly stirring, gradually introduce milk. Stir the dough thoroughly with a broom so that there are no lumps. Drive eggs one at a time, mix 1 table. tablespoon vegetable oil and dough thoroughly mixed again.

2. Fold the cherry or cherry on a colander to stack the juice (if you use fresh berries, wash them and remove the seeds). Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar, ground crackers and cinnamon. Mix.

3. Bake thin pancakes in vegetable oil. Put a filling on each and roll it with a roll or envelope. Pancakes served hot, you can with sour cream.

Dessert with yogurt and honey

Cooking time: 35 min

IN 4 PORTS: • 300 g of frozen seedless plums • 250 g of frozen blackberry • 3 tables. tablespoons of liquid honey • 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of water • 75 pcs. butter biscuits • 500 ml low-fat yogurt • sugar

1. Defrost plums and blackberries. Then transfer the berries to the stewpan, add 2 tables. tablespoons of water, honey and cook under the lid for 5 minutes. Cool. Season to taste with sugar. Grind cookies into crumbs, 2 tables. set aside spoons, mix the rest with yogurt.

2. Spread the yoghurt and berry masses in 4 glasses (200 ml each) or in a bowl in layers and sprinkle with butter crumbs before serving.

Chocolate Pears

Cooking time: 30 min

IN 6 PORTS: • 4 large pears • 100 g mascarpone cheese or cream cheese • 30 g peeled hazelnut kernels • 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of honey • 2 egg yolks ¼ teaspoon. tablespoons crushed cardamom seeds.

For chocolate sauce: • 100 g of dark chocolate • 2 tables. tablespoons butter • 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of brandy or cognac • 2 tables. spoons of sour cream • mint for decoration

1. Heat the oven to 180 °. Wash the pears, pat dry with a paper towel, peel and cut along in half, leaving the stalks as possible. Remove the core and a teaspoon select a little pulp. Chop the pulp very finely with a knife or chop in a blender. Squeeze out excess juice slightly. Pass the hazelnut kernels through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Grind the mascarpone cheese well. Add ground hazelnuts, honey, yolks, cardamom and pear pulp. Fill the cavities in the halves of the pears with the filling. Put the pears in a baking dish, cover with foil and bake in the oven.

2. Make a chocolate sauce. To do this, break the chocolate into pieces and melt together with butter in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring continuously. Add sour cream, pour in brandy or cognac. Cook 3-5 minutes.

3. Wash and dry the mint. Put the pears on a dish, pour in chocolate sauce and garnish with mint.

Candies "Strawberry"

Cooking time: 50 min.

ON 24 PIECES: • 800 g of waffles (light and not very sweet) • 1 can of condensed milk • a little green marmalade (for leaflets) • a little raw beets (for coloring berries) • a little sugar (for sprinkling berries)

1. Pass the waffles through a meat grinder and mix with so much condensed milk so that you can form berries that are similar to the "original" berries.

2. Grate beets, squeeze juice. Dip the berries on one side in the juice and let it dry. Then also color the second side of the berries.

3. Take 24 matches, break off the heads, sharpen the opposite ends. Cut marmalade leaves and pierce them with matches through the entire length. Stick the leaves in the berries.Roll berries in sugar and put in a vase or basket.

TIP Often, “berry sweets” are made from marzipan. To do this, mix 2.5 cups of ground almonds with 1 cup of powdered sugar, add 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of lemon juice. Beat the eggs (as much as necessary to make a soft, but elastic mass) and mix. Knead the marzipan dough until smooth. Dye is added by kneading the dough.

Fruit baskets

Cooking time: 55 min

ON 12 PIECES: • 1 pack of ready-made puff pastry • 30 g butter • 200 g (1 can) canned apricots • 100 g apricot jam.

Filling: • 1 table. tablespoon butter • 75 g powdered sugar • 1 yolk • ¼ cup ground almonds

1. Thaw the dough, unfold in one layer, cut in half and roll. Each layer is cut into 2 strips, each strip into 3 parts (= 12 squares).

2. For the filling, grate the butter with icing sugar, add the yolk and almonds. Mix.

3. Put grease-filled squares into the cup cake pans, greased with grease, (press against the walls, straighten the corners). Put a spoonful of the filling.

4. Cut apricots into slices and put on the filling. Bake baskets at 210 °. After 15-20 minutes, remove from the oven and grease with apricot jam.

NOTE: Large pies from puff pastry are baked on a baking sheet, which is not greased with fat, but pre-rinsed with cold water. The steam formed at high temperature “raises” the dough and makes it airy. And the water emulsified in the test itself also turns into steam and separates it into layers.

Pie with apples

Cooking time: 1 h 20 min


Dough: • 1 kg flour • ¾ cup milk • 50 g yeast • 100 g butter • 5 yolks • 2 tables. tablespoons of sugar • 1 pinch of salt.

Stuffing: • 4−5 sweet and sour apples • some canned cherries or berries from jam • 3 tables. tablespoons of sugar. And also: • vegetable oil • 1 yolk (for lubrication)

1. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk by adding salt and sugar. Pour into a saucepan (at least 5 l), stir in the yolks, softened butter and 1 cup flour. Knead the dough, adding flour (it should be soft, but not spread). Let him rise twice.

2. Prepare the apples: wash, dry and, having removed the core, cut into slices.

3. Roll out the dough (part set aside for the "grate") into an oblong layer 1 cm thick (the size of a baking sheet) and put on a greased baking sheet. On the dough, evenly distribute slices of apples and cherries. Roll out the delayed dough, cut into strips and put on the filling in the form of a "lattice". Let the cake come up (10 min). Then grease with beaten yolk and put in the oven (220 °). Check the readiness of the dough with a wooden skewer. Take out the cake and sprinkle it with sugar in a hot form (first you can grease with jam syrup).


Watch the video: 7 Satisfyingly Easy No-Bake Desserts Tasty (September 2024).